Plastic Milk Cans Supplier | Navin Plastic Milk Cans

Plastic Milk Can Certificate

Milk Cans are manufactured with high quality plastic material. LLPDE is made use to make the Milk Cans / Containers extra strong.

All Milk Cans are manufactured with two layers of strong plastic material. The colorful outer layer can withstand the harsh weather, thusacting as a weather shield. Milk Cans are also designed to withstand all the drags and drops of the day to day activities in a Dairy industry.Thisouter layer comes in different colors as per your requirements, while the inner layer is always in White color.

Plastic Milk Cans inner layer comes in a single color i.e. white and is made of food grade plastic as recommended by food safety associations, so that the Milk/food stored in the Milk Cans doesn’t get polluted. This layer is responsible for the hygiene of the Milk/food stored in the Milk Cans.

With two strong layers to support the Milk Cans becomes a hard nut to crack and also a heat resistant one.


Santhilag Industries
9, N.G.G.O. Colony Main Road,Erode.Tamilnadu,India - 638 009.


+91 94433 70033
+91 96777 70033
+91 73730 70033


Milk Cans are manufactured with high quality plastic material. LLPDE is made use to make the Milk / Containers extra strong.

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